

  “ReLife” was founded by Professor Zhang, a well respected doctor with decades of experience in the medical field. Over the decades, “ReLife” pioneering, country leading experts have been dedicated to the advancement of the medical field in order to bridge high technology with medical care. With dedication and inspiration, “ReLife” is focused on bringing safe, eco-friendly and yet advanced treatment, elements already existing in our very own bodies, stem cells and genetics to create a better life. By constructing and establishing solid foundations in the advanced medical field, “ReLife” is aimed at offering state-of-the-art diagnosis and providing care for complex and rare disorders. With advanced facilities, leading-edge technology and wisdom from previous case studies, “ReLife” adhere one and only one concept, health foremost. “ReLife” is located in the capital of China, Beijing, opposite the Beijing World Park. Our surroundings can be described as a beautiful and inviting environment, more than half of the area is forested. Providing our guests and visitors with a relaxing and peaceful setting. ReLife 国际医疗中心是一家按照国际医疗服务标准建立的医疗机构,致力于为海内外人士提供先进,专业,安全有效的医疗服务,以及帮助被顽固疾病所折磨的人走出困境获得重生为宗旨 ReLife国际医疗中心位于北京西南,被春天似的绿色环境所衬托,呈现出大自然的优美和宁静,让患者有如在世外桃园中安心治疗。