

KNF集团于1946年建立在德国弗莱堡。1962年,KNF开始研发,生产和销售隔膜泵。 KNF凭借丰富的产品系列和特定应用的泵和系统,几十年来一直是隔膜泵技术的领导者。KNF隔膜泵泵包含可安装在设备内部的OEM泵,工业流程泵和实验室泵。

Founded in Freiburg in 1946, KNF began developing, manufacturing and selling diaphragm pumps in 1962. With an extensive product portfolio of application-specific pumps and systems, KNF has been a technology leader for decades. They are available as built-in pumps for OEM use as well as for process applications and laboratory use.