
客户经理 Account Manager 10k~15k

本科及以上 三年以上 上海

更新时间: 2021-11-01

私营/民营企业 1 - 49人


招聘日期: 2021-05-06 ~ 2021-11-22


Job Responsibilities岗位职责:

1.   通过不同渠道甄别业务项目机会;

Identify new projects/business opportunities through different channels;

2.   了解公司的实力,能很好地领悟客户的需求,与设计部门紧密配合开发出项目方案;

Understand company’s capability, have good sense of clients demand, and then work with design team to develop project management solution;

3.   做项目汇报时可以有效地吸引客户的注意力,使客户印象深刻并管理他们的期望以打造公司的值得信赖的专业形象;

Deliver effective presentation in terms of keeping clients ‘attention, making powerful impression and managing their expectation aiming to build company’s trustworthy professional image;

4.   通过吸引、保留和加强关系,建立和发展潜在的客户和客户关系,形成忠诚客户群;

Establish and develop potential client and client relationship by attracting, retaining and enhancing the relationship to form a base of committed clients;

5.   建立和发展业务开发渠道,评估渠道的有效性,确保在最有效的渠道中努力并探索业务机会;

Establish and develop BD channels; assess the effectiveness of channels and ensure to devote effort and explore business opportunity in the most effective channel;

6.   定期与现有客户会面,建立良好的关系,以确保获得更多的市场机会和竞争对手的信息,了解竞争对手的策略与行业趋势。

Meet Regularly meet with existing clients and build strong relationships to secure more market opportunity and information on competitors, update competitor’s strategy and market trend;

7.   进行商务谈判,并与项目部合作进行各项目的预算评估, 并一起制定预算方案,为客户准备完整的报价单。

Perform commercial negotiation and work with project department for cost evaluation of each project, then work together to figure out the budget with project team and prepare completed quotation for clients.

8.   在公司内建立强有力的跨部门合作关系。

Build strong cross functional relationships within the organization

9.   根据客户的要求,制定业务计划和准备一系列的材料,包括建议书、投标文件、报价、演示文稿、图表、项目表、报告、履历等。

Develop business plan and a series of BD materials in line with customer requirements, including proposals, tender documents, offers, presentations, charts, project sheets, reports, CVs and etc.;

Job Requirement 任职要求:

1.   3年以上相关的岗位经验;

3 years of experience in relevant position

2.   较强的服务意识与清晰的逻辑思维;

Strong sense of service and clear logical thinking

3.   优秀的沟通和表达能力,优秀的处理人际关系技巧;

Excellent communication and presentation skills, Good interpersonal skills;

4.   责任心强、能承受一定的工作压力;

Self-motivated, able to work under pressure;

5.   具有良好的敬业精神和团队合作精神;

With professionalism and teamwork;

6.   英文听说读写能力良好。

  Fluent in English